BOSTON UNIVE'RSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL Thesis Bacterial Variation with Special Reference to the Pneumococcus by Howard S. (B.S., College of the City of New York, 1941) . submitted in uartial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts 1947 378.T44- r 3C 0 F\ n \MI Anuroved bv Professor of Bacteriology ^ ^ ^ I'irst Reader Second Reader. . . . Jllftr Instructor in Bacteriology Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries TOPICAL OUTLINE Introduction- ------------------- -page 4 Bacterial Variability ------------------9 Pleomorphism and Monomorphism ------------- -12 Colonial Variation- ------------------ -19 Variations of the Pneumococcus- ------------ -27 Transformation of Pneumococcal Types- --------- -34 Nucleoproteins and Bacterial Genetics --------- -46 Abstract- ----------------------- -58 Bibliography- --------------------- -63 - 4 INTRODUCTION during the latter half of the nineteenth century, which saw the rise of scientific bacteriology and immunity, the sub- jects under investigation in these sciences were unicellular and multicellular microscopic organisms. In common with all embryonic sciences, the major portion of these early investiga- tions was directed towards the classification of those organ- isms in either the plant or animal Kingdom. The first accepted view7 was that thev belonged in the latter, and as such they were referred to as "animalculi, " little animals. Eov/ever, further investigations of such phenomena as cell walls , plasmo- lysis, and various morphological characteristics led eventually to their nresent classification, in the olant kingdom. Ferdinand Cohn asserted, "They form the boundary line of life; bevond them, life does not exist, so far at least as our microscopic expedients reach; and these are not small." Indeed, the microsconic size of bacteria led the nhysicist to consider them as simple colloidal systems, while the chemist thought of them as "bags of enzymes." This assumed primitiveness was not confirmed biochemically until the end of the century when Winod- gradskv ( 1887 ) announced that certain microorganisms were capable of synthesizing their own protoplasm from mineral salts and carbon dioxide. Here was a phenomenon, the svnthesis of highlv complex organic substances from simple inorganic salts, vliich might well be interpreted , in view of their occurrence in living 9 — V .. , , , 5 organisms, as the beginning of life on earth. (Dubos ) Further cytological studies during the next fifty years have revealed a complexity of structure in these "primitive” organisms which is comparable to that found in the higher plant and animal forms. They have further brought about the possibi- litv of an anatomical comparison between these bacterial cells and those which together make up the highly complex structures of higher plants and animals. The processes which take place within the cells of both types, assuming that v/e mav draw a line of phylogenetic differentiation between them, have been found to be similar in a great many respects. Although we are at present incapable of determining the exact nature of many of these meta- bolic phenomena occurring within various living cells, we are, nevertheless, bv means of carefully controlled experimental studies of various substances which we may identify within the cell, and as belonging to a particular cell, able to draw cert- ain conclusions concerning these metabolic nrocesses, by analogy with certain similar phenomena which have occurred naturally _in vitro or in vivo, or which have been made to occur in vitro or in vivo by purely artificial and synthetic, or verv nearly arti- ficial and synthetic means. Furthermore, it has been shown McCarty, Avery, Feulgen, and others) that bacterial cells con- tain writhin themselves certain chemical substances which are known to be fundamental, not only to bacterial genera but to cells of higher plants and animals, without which these cells cannot carry on their life cycles. Thev have been shown to re- quire certain essential substances for growth, these substances . . . 6 being identical with the vitamins required for normal animal and plant growth. They have been shown to require certain amino acids as a minimum essential for survival, further, and by far the most important analogy which has been drawn so far, is the observation that many of the properties of bacterial cells are identifiable with similar properties, not only of viruses but also of the chromosomes and genes of plant and animal cells. As we consider histology and microscopic anatomy to be the study of hundreds of different types of cells, with many indiv- idual characteristics and functions, analogously we mav consider bacteriology to be the study of many different types of cells. But whereas it is almost impossible, except under very carefully controlled experimental conditions, to isolate any single animal or plant cell from its usual environment and cause it to continue to grow and exhibit its normal characteristics outside of the animal organism, on the other hand it is possible to study one particular bacterial cell, in reference to its growTth, means of fission, and its various biochemical, Physical, morphological and other properties. It is moreover possible to observe in a short time the effect of an environmental change in an evolution - ary phase of growth on a particular type of cell, due to its rapid growth and frequent generation. Thus it may be possible to study the effect of varied oxygen supply upon a culture of a bacterium, e.g., staphylococcus aureus , which has been grown for a long time in a controlled oxygen environment. It is then bossible to observe the Properties of subsequent generations of this bacterium, and so study the results of environmental adapt- . . . . . 7 1 ivity, not over a oeriod of a thousand years but in a few days. Further, as it has been found that certain bacterial and animal cells have substances in common, it is possible to infer the metabolism of the animal cells, and also the role of these apparently fundamental comnonents of the cell, bv means of in vitro experiments with the bacterial cells. One of the common properties of bacterial and animal cells is that of producing a mutation-like phenomenon at the rate of 1 per 10^ or 10^ cell divisions. In the animal, v/hen this variant occurs, it general- ly finds conditions unfavorable for its growth and continued ex- istence, therefore it passes out of the anatomical picture. In the case of the variant bacterial cell, it is possible to isolate such cells when they occur, and to examine their differential properties as compared with the parent strain, and with other bacteria. Although it is not possible, except with gamma rays, etc., to increase the incidence of the occurrence of these muta- tions, it is nevertheless nossible to increase the rate of sur- vival of these mutations by growing the parent strain on a mediu] which will favor the growth of the variant, while at the same time su 'inlying the parent strain with sufficient environmental factors necessary for its grov/th. Depending unon the factors that have caused the variation, and upon the type of variation, there ma# or may not be a reversion to the parent strain. It is the purpose of this paper to uresent one aspect of the possibilities of aonlying the methods and investigations of bacterial variation and transmutation. Transmutation enters into the analysis to a greater extent than variation, the former > 1 . • • . . 8 term implying a variation which is transmissible from one gener-* ation to the next, in series. Our intent is to anplv these methods of investigation to the problems of the mechanisms of metabolic processes within the animal cell. This side of the nroblem has been apnroached from a purely bacteriological and immunological point of view by many investigators, Alloway, Aver-”-, Dawson, Dochez, Dubos , Griffith, Keidelberger , McCarty, Hiemann, and others, through the studv of experiments connected with pneumococcal variations, both permanent and temporary. Before proceeding to this topic, it is necessary to point out the various aspects of bacterial variability, as seen in mutations exhibited bT' species other than Dinlococcus pneumoniae . This will be the purpose of the first section of this pacer, namely, an analysis of bacterial variants, both naturally occuring and artificially induced. By this means we shall be able to set down a groundwork of definitions and illustrations from which we can better proceed to the problems of pneumococcal transformation . . * * ' . 9 BACTilRIAl. variability Bacteriology is a statistical science. It is not the study of individual organisms; all the facts which together make up that body of knowledge which we call bacteriology are derived from the study of a great many generations of a bacterial type, represented bv many millions of organisms. By subjecting this large number of similar organisms to the identical experimental conditions, which is the limit of our experimental methods at present, we are able to observe the properties of a large number of the organisms present. Thus our statistical data are drawn from negative as well as positive results. For example, when we sav that the organism iischerichia coli has the property of fer- menting lactose, we base this conclusion upon the visual evidence that when a colony of this organism has been isolated and trans- planted to a tube of phenol red broth containing lactose, we ob- serve a color change from red to vellow, indicating that acid has been formed in the tube; v/e also observe gas in the collec- tion tube. Statistically we may sajf that Bscherichia coli is capable of fermenting lactose. However we know that in the fer- mentation tube there are many millions of organisms present, some of which are obviously capable of fermenting the carbohydr- ate present. But we cannot say that every organism present has that property. No one has yet devised a bacteriological tech- nique wherteby the fermentative properties of a single cell of the species Lscherichia coli , or of any other bacterial species can be tested. . . , . . . 10 On this basis we might also sav that the majority of the cells of Escherichia coli are incapable of fermenting lactose, but that a sufficient number of naturally occurring variants possessing that property are produced in the normal growth curve of the organism during the 24-hour incubation period to make the f phenomenon visible. On the other hand, we have the organism Escherichia, coli mutabile , which will not ferment lactose. In this case the statistical evidence is on the negative side. We can assume that there are not present sufficiently great numbers of naturally occurring variants which are capable of fermenting lactose to give visual evidence of that fact. It appears that all bacterial cells are capable of produc- ing mutant forms during their normal growth cycles. These vari- ants ma^ or mar not be permanent . (Deskowitz ) Them may transmit the >roperties i hich bear witness to their variance from the parent strain, or thev mav revert to the parent strain, or thev may give rise to both the narent strain of the variant and to the variant itself. These naturally occurring variants cannot be artificially controlled, but ther seem, according to Dubos , to occur regularly within the life cycle, and can therefore be predicted with sur >rising accuracy. The mutabile strain of Escherichia coli which was mentions . before will usually revert after a time to the lactose-ferment- ing form. Similar!^ the communis strain of the seme organism, which does not ferment sucrose, gives rise to the conmunior strain, which does ferment this sugar, and bv a stud^ of these ; wo strains and their alterations, the mutation from one to the oth ?r . . . ' . 11 may be adequately predicted. Aside from these naturally occurring mutations, we are mainly concerned with those variants which are artificially pro- duced and which are generally stable and permanent. From a study- of these mutations, effected by physiological, biochemical, structural, serological and antigenic methods of variation, we have been able to obtain a groundwork of knowledge which can be anplied in the field of medical bacteriology to epidemiological studies of various diseases, anu to the cytological and histo- logical studies of higher plant and animal cells and of their metabolic nrocesses and their structure. ► . 12 PLEOMORFHISM AND MONOMORPHISM In the early days of bacteriology one of the first manifest- ations of bacterial variability to be observed and studied v/as that of oleomorphism and monomorphism. It was thought that ther 5 was onlv a handful of bacterial types, and that these exhibited marked variation in their morphology, and in their biochemical properties . This early claim was eventually displaced, and its rise to prominence w as attributed to faulty techniques, parti- cularly in the manner of obtaining and maintaining cure cultures of bacteria. It was then seen that the bacteria presented a great multiplicity of distinct types. The view which is generally accepted by present-dav bacter- iologists is that the bacteria represent a phase of degeneration °f the higher organisms, i.e., they have through evolution and environmental adaptivity lost certain properties which alone serve to distinguish them from the higher lants, particularly the blue-green algae and the true or green algae, and so on up the phylogenetic tree. It is possible in a general ay to classify the bacteria not onl'1'- according to the properties which in the main each genus or species may exhibit, but also to class- ify them by the properties which thev may lack, and which serve to differentiate them from each other, and also from the higher plant organisms. We find that the majority of the bacteria v/ill retain their form from generation to generation, depending upon the culture medium which is used, and aside from slight variations which may 13 be compared in man to the fact that some are tall or short, and some are fat and thin, though their environment has not varied sufficiently to warrant an explanation of these deviations by reason of a degeneration or an evolution of the species. Howeve: we do find certain bacteria which when grown on a suitable sub- strate will, upon microscopical examination, exhibit varying forms. This may be shorn by growing a single-cell culture, the technique of which is very well defined! Avery , R.C. and Leland, S.J.), to eliminate the possibility of contamination. One ex- ample of this form of variation, which would seem to come under the headinv of naturally occurring mutants, is Pasteurella tul- arensis. This organism is commonlv found in the smear in both coccoid and bacillary forms. In young cultures both forms may be found, the coccoid form predominating. The coccoid form is generally found alone in older cultures . This would appear to indicate that the bacillary form is the variant . (Zinnser) The mechanism of this mutation may possibly be explained in the following manner. It is generally knowm that bacillary forms tend to elongate due to an internal axially disposed force which tends to counteract the rounding effect of surface tension on the cells . (Dubos ) On this basis we may assume that the surface tension of the culture medium generally used for the isolation and cultivation of Pasteurella tularensis, a cystine-glucose broth, will be sufficiently low to cause the naturally occurring mutant forms to survive at a rate sufficient to be detected by a microscopic smear. We must then further assume that unon agin the surface tension og the medium is sufficiently increased, due 5 l- / . ♦ 14 to the accumulation of secreted products from the organisms so that only the coccoid f^rms are found. However, this hypothesis cannot in any way be validified upon observation of cultures of this organism grown uoon agar slants made from the same essentia,, ingredients, since these cells also exhibit coccoid and bacillar; r forms . tie can only sav in this particular case that the mutation is a natural phase of the cytomor ohosis of the cell during its normal growth curve. This would appear to be the more valid explanation. It appears that many bacteria exhibit slight, but occasion- ally marked variations in shape during their normal growth curve , These variations consist of differences in the size and contour of the bacterial cell, the loss of certain structures, such as capsules and flagella, variations in normal grouoing, and varia- tions in the internal structure of the cell. Some of these nat- urally occurring variations are illustrated below, along with other variations which are interdenendent upon each other. This interdependence of variations will be discussed later on, indeed throughout the paper, for it appeals from all the data in the literature that a single variation within a species is almost unknown . The streptococci generally show a v/ide variation in size at practically all points along their normal growth curve, the dia- meter ranging from 0.4 to 1.0 micron; these differences may be observed within a single chain, large and small cocci being ad- jacent to one another, showing that the one was the result of . . , , . . the fission of the other. Thus we can differentiate this fact from a possible observation of two distinct chains of cocci, in each of which the cocci are of equal size, while the diameter ) varies from one chain to the other. The Pneumococcus Type III may be found in the normal diplo- coccal arrangement of the genus, but almost invariably exhibits chain formation, which makes it difficult to distinguish the org- anism from the streptococcus . This chain formation in turn is generally associated with a variation in the shape of the organ- ism. Instead of the normally occurring lanceolateo form, pneumo- coccus Type III tends to be ovoid in shape, resembling not only the streptococcus, but also the genus Neisseria, from v:hich, for- tunately, we can as a rule differentiate it by means of the gram stain. Photomicrographs taken of pneumococcus Type III colonies on blood agar plates show this chain formation at the peri >hery of the colony; the pneumococci are seen to be almost spherical in ^hape . (Bisset ) The genus Corynebacterium is. the most striking example of pleomorphism. The forms vary from the evenly staining slender bacilli, through barren ana granular varieties of clubbed and globular forms. The occurrence of these forms is quite easily predicted during the normal growth curve of the organism. (Morton ) There has been, moreover, no correlation between any of the vari- | ous morphological forms and the virulence of the diphtheric bac- illus, although the granular type seems to predominate in clini- cal diphtheria . (Belding and Marston; Morton) The flagellated bacilli are most often observed without the TO - j OJ ix r -« ' ! . i . , 1 16 > flagella. This is the general case, because these structures, being verv delicate, are often lost due to handling during the preparation of a stained smear. This, of course, is not a true variation. However, flagellated bacilli, e.g.. Salmonella para- tvbhi. mav be caused to show a non-f lagellated variant bv grow- ing the organism in serum containing antibodies directed agains- the flagella. This gives rise to a non-f lagellated , non-motile end non-snecific strain of Salmonella paretvphi . ( Arkwright and Pitt) This method of producing artificial variations in flag- ellated or encapsulate L species has been used to a great extent in the studv of bacterial dissociation, and w ill be mentioned again later, particularly in reference to the transformation of pneumococcal tvpes . This variation associates itself with othe: which are interdependent unon it. Thus, in the experiments de- scribed bv Arkwright and Pitt, the flagellated form of Salmonei; paratvphi was determine bv its agglutination in homologous immune serum containing antibodies directed against the "H" , or flagellar antigens. Those organisms so agglutinated were ob- serve to form smooth, dome-shared colonies, show; uniform turbic itv inbroth culture, and absence of agglutination in 0.8 5% salt solution. This was designate- 1 as the smooth, or ”S" form, according to Griffith. Those organisms showing irregularitv of the surface and margins f the colonies, granular growth in broth culture, and egglutir abilitv in 0.85 o salt solution were designated as rough, or "R" forms. Bv the experimental method c scribed above Arkwright and Pitt cultivated and described variar forms of o&lmonella paratvphi and m-berthella tvphosa . The smool s a e- t h . > » 17 forms of these organisms we re agglutinated, in immune sera conta idl- ing the homologous "H" antibodies , while the rough forms were not agglutinate by these sera, but did react when placed in im- mune sera containing the antibodies directed against the homolo- gous ''0", or somatic antigens. It was possible to implv from these observations that the smooth forms of the organisms were flagellated , while the rough forms had lost their f lamella. Similar experiments were done with Klebsiella pneumoniae ( Julian- elle) and various pneumococcus t^ues .( Griff ith ; Riemann) But whereas it has now be^ n found possible to cause the reversion of R pneu '.ococci to the original tvne-snec if ic S forms bv growing the R form in anti-R serum, and bv other methors which will be described later, it has not been possible in vitro in the case of the flagellated organisms. The explanation of this phenome- non is probablv the fact that the R to S dissociation of the pneir ococcus is due to the elaboration of a polyseccharidal cap- sule, which appears to be brought about easily by certain trans- forming and inducing substances present in normal and immune sera. On the other hand, to convert the R form of flagellated organisms to the S form it ir- necesserv that a flagellum be elaborated bv the organism, a change which would appear to in- volve a fundamental change in the cell structure of the bacteri urn. This does not appear feasible at the present time. It has been noted( Julianelle and others) that S forms of flagellated organisms agglutinate spontaneous lv when treated with homologous immune sera, whereas the corresponding R forms agglutinate quite slowlv, giving in higher concentrations a . ' . / 18 > > fluffy precipitate, and in the higher dilutions a granular pre- cipitate, which is difficult to read without a lens. It very rarely happens that a bacterial cell will exhibit a single phase of variation. Variations involve changes in the structure of the bacterial cell. These changes may be visible or invisible, and further may be permanent or reversible, either by natural or artificial experimental methods of cultivation. The change may be merely the loss of a capsule, or it may be a change of reactivitv towards the gram stain. No matter what it may be, it usually affects the entire definitiveness of the pro- perties of the cell. In 1922, De Kruif described an experiment involving the mutation of the bacillus of rabbit septicemia from the highly virulent D form to the almost avirulent G form. He observed, aside from the difference in virulence exhibited by the two mutant forms, differences in colonial formation and ap- pearance, and differences in the acid agglutination optima of the two varieties. He further observed that this last phenomen- on implied a distinct change in the bacterial protoplasm of the G form, which would seem to be the most fundamental mutation so far described. He shov;ed that growing a pure-line strain of the u organism in diluted rabbit serum enhanced the tendency of mut- ation to the G form. On the other hand, all attempts to grow a pure-line strain of the G mutant in undiluted rabbit serum, which inhibits the tendencv of the D form to change to the G variety, and thus bring about a reversion to the D form failed, further confirming the concept of a fundamental change in the bacterial protoplasm. . . . 19 COLONIAL VARIATION Colonial variation appears to be the most fundamental mani- festation of the variability of bacteria in regard to seemingly permanent changes, because of the fact that it is generally as- sociated with mutations of almost every variety, one being except- ed, the artificial transformation of the pneumococcus from one tvpe to a virulent pneumococcus of another specific type, which is distinct and transmissible. We shall mention this later. Colonial variation within a species indicates the occurrence of mutant forms. Motile varieties may often be distinguished from non-motile strains, the colonies of motile organisms usually showing spreading growth, or colonies with irregular margins, as compared with the usual-# distinct and small colonies of the non-) jnotile varieties, e.g., Proteus vulgaris . Non-motile bacteria which tend to multiply in chain forma- tion may exhibit non-chain forming mutants. The presence of chains within a colony ma# give a veined or coiled appearance. This has been shown in photomicrographs (X300 ) by Bisset. Colon- ies which show such formation are encountered in certain species of streptococcus; the viridans strain gives a sw/irleci vortical appearance; Bacillus anthracis. shows the "medusa-head" colony formation characteristic of that spec ies . (Bisset ) Colonial formation is largely dependent upon the structure of the organisms of which the colony is composed, and to a lesser extent upon their biochemical and physiological properties. Col- onies of encapsulated organisms, as the pneumococci and Klebsi- , • t • . . . 20 t > ella pneumoniae, are moist and glistening, of stringy consisten- cy, and possessing even surfaces and margins. It has been pointed out that the encapsulated S pneumococci should be class- ified as forming M, or mucoid colonies .( Dawson) This type of colony is tvoifieci by the encapsulated form of Klebsiella pneumo- niae, which upon nutrient solid meuia forms rather large, flat, moist, glistening colonies with even margins. The organisms in these colonies are rather short forms, even the bacillarv organ- isms. The consistency of the colony depends upon the amount and the nature of the caosular substance secreted by the organism. Klebsiella pneumoniae elaborates a larg amount of capsular sub- stance, which is easily recognized under the microscope by ord- inary staining methods, and its colonies are quite viscous. On the other hand, the pneumococcus elaborates less capsular mater- ial, hence the mucoid -phase is less viscous. It should be noted here, and will be referred to extensively later, that the tvpe- soecific pneumococci which are designated as the S form of the snecies are actually the M, or mucoid variant, according to thei] colonial morphology. Colonies of virulent, encansulated pneumo- cocci are small mucoid varieties. Also, the R form of avirulent non-ca^sulated nneumococci form typical smooth colonies of the S variety. It is possible to obtain typical R colonies of pneumo- cocci (Dawson; Shinn) with a wrinkled appearance, showing fila- mentous growth. This is found to be the ultimate R cultural phase of the -pneumococcus . It has been found possible to relate colonial organization to the method of growth of the organisms . (Bisset ) It is noted . . . . 21 that in smooth colonies of motile organisms the colonies are made up of long individual organisms. This is attributed to the sliding movement of the organisms ast each other directly aftei fission. Colonial morphology has be^n correlated with two othei types of nost-f iss ional movement, snapping and ’ hiding, and the sliding movement mentioned above. Organisms occurring in the "medusa-head" colony have been shown to exhibit e snapping nost- fissional movement. This was first associated with the rough dissociation chase of Bac illus an three is . (Bissett ) It • as also shown to occur in the rough colonies of Escherichia coli . Rougi colonies seem to show a characteristic arrangement of the bactei ia v hen examine:; microscopical!^, bv reason of the snapping post-f iss ional movement; the'1’- are generally found lving side by side in small bundles. The smooth variant forms of coliform organisms show no che recteristic arrangement within the colony. Following f is.' ion these organisms separate and slide partially ast each other. The corvnebacteria show a whipping post-f issic al motion which gives rise to vortical colonies exhibiting mrov th in chains similar to colonies of streptococci. It has been noted (Gause) that Bac illus mvcoides contains an identifiab] protop' asmic property which causes the threads to grow clockv ise or counter-clockwise , giving rise to dextral and sinistral mutations . It has been observed that practically all bacterial culture exhibit several types of morphologically distinct colonial forms including carefullr prepare single-cell cultures. These become stabilized through several generations and settle down in one n- e s 9 * . > phase or another. Colonial morphology mav usually be associated with other structural and biochemical properties of bacteria. These organ- isms whose virulence depends upon their possession of a specific capsular substance, such as iilebs iella •pneumoniae and the type- specific S pneumococci, form k, or mucoid colonies. Hence mucoic. colonies may be judged as being composed of encapsulated and virulent organisms. Similarly, when these two species are grown in immune sera directed against :heir respective specific soluble substances (Heidelberger and Avery), non-ca sulatea, avirulent bacterial cells arise which form typical smooth colonies. In the case of organisms whose virulence is associated with their flagella, as in the cases of Salmonella paratyphi and 5b- erthella tmho a , the virulent flagellated motile variants are shown to form topical smooth colonies ( there are instances of rough variants). The avirulent, non-f lagellated , non-motile mutants exhibit rough colonial f ormat ion ( smooth colonies have been noted). Smooth colonies in general indicate the virulent, type- or group-specific variation of the species; rough colonies are almost invariably avirulent and species-s >ecific . (Arkwright ; Bruner and Edwards; Morgan and Beckwith) The diphtheria organism shows a variation in its colonial organization which appears to be correlated with varying degrees of virulence . (Morton) Three strains of the virulent form of dor^nebacterium diphtheriae are recognized by colonial formation on blood-tellurite medium. These are designated, according to the original theory of their varying degrees of virulence, mitis , 22 . ■ . intermedins , and gravis . However, it has been found that these original designations do not truly connote the relative virulenc of the three strains . The morphologv of the gravis strain con- sists of uniformly staining short forms, which have been found in some clinical cases, especially in the more severe ones. Its exact role in clinical diphtheria is still not yet clear. The gravis strain shows two main antigenic groups, each of which ha- been found as an eoidemic strain over wide areas. The mor diology of the mitis strain sho\ s long slender forms with met|i chromatic granules. This type is the predominant one in clinica diphtheria in this country. It exhibits a great aeal of anti- genic diversity, a fact 1 hich nay account for its greater over- all virulence and occurrence . (Belding and Marston; McLeod) The intermedius type exhibits the barred clubbed variety of the bacillus, and it is an anti enically homogeneous group. The three strains also exhibit some variation in their biochemical properties, in that the gravis strain will ferment starch and glycogen, while the mitis and intermedius will not. The snecies Klebsiella nneumor iae v as observed (Julianelle) to be divided into three distinct serological types, A, B, and C These three types, in their virulent, encapsulated phase, are agglutinated only in their homologous antisera. The virulent encapsulated variants of each t^oe form M, or mucoid colonies on nutrient agar elates, k.hen these colonies are transplanted for several weeks, a. translucent mutant arises in each case. The number of transplants necessary to bring about the degradation varies with each type. Type A needs about four weekly transplants 23 . . 24 > while Tyne B needs six to eight weeks, and Type C will usually show the mutant form after only two weekly transplants. If the procedure of subculturing is continued, the smooth, translucent variants give rise to a still further dissociated phase, the rough variant. The translucent colony variant is smooth, and composed of short non-ca psulated rods, resembling those of the parent strain in each type. The translucent variant has always been the first to appear during the process of natural dissocia- tion. The rough variant is invariably derived from the trans- lucent type and produces a rough appearing colony which is com- posed of long non-capsulated rods and filamentous forms. The M, or mucoid phase of Tvoe A is designated as As, the smooth phase as At, and the rough or R form as Ar, those of Type B as Bs, Bt, and Br, and of Type C, Cs, Ct, and Cr. Agglutina- tion te ts were performed using antisera, preparec. against each of the nine mutants of Klebsiella pneumoniae. It 1 as shown that all the mucoid forms w'ere agglutinated only by their respective homologous immune sera. In each type the smooth variants v/ere agglutinated by their respective immune sera, and each showrea cross -agglutination with the immune serum prepared against the mucoid phase of the homologous ty e. The rough variants Ar and Br were agglutinated only by anti-Ar and anti-Br sera, respect- ively. The Cr mutant was agglutinated by its homologous immune serum, and showed cross -agglutination with anti-Ct serum. Juli- snelle (1937) has reported that the rough variants of Klebsiella pneumoniae of different serological types cross-react. The resu of investigations by Randall (1939) do not confirm the occurrenc Lts 3 . 4 . of cross -reactions among the rough variants of encapsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae. It is probable that the use of two dif- ferent methods of inducing dissociation explains the different results, and as shown by Julianelle even rough variants derived from the same serological type 02 Klebsiella pneumoniae are not always serologically identical. Hence we mav now describe three distinct tvnes of bacterial colonies, each of v/hich appears to be linkea with one or more variations of the structural, and possible of the biochemical properties of the organism. The M, or mucoid colony consists of encapsulate a , generally vir- ulent organisms, giving specific agglutination in homologous immune serum, ana no cross-agglutination with immune sera of any other t^pe within the species. The colony is viscous, moist, glistening, and possesses even margins; without animal passage it has a tendencv to dissociate towards a more "stable" form. In this class are found the S forms of the pneumococcus. The S, or smooth colony consists of non-capsulated , gener- ally avirulent organisms. This type is found only in those soecies v/hich exhibit a mucoid phase, -which is true of most pathogenic bacteria. The other group of organisms forming S colonies are generally flagellated organisms, the Shigella and the Coccaceae being the principal exceptions. These forms, like the mucoid variants, tend to dissociate to more "stable" forms. The S phase forms smooth, generally moist colonies, with even surfaces and margins. The R form of the pneumococcus falls unde 0 > 26 this classification of colonial variation. The Rr or rough colony is made up of non-capsulated , or nonf- flagellated, avirulent organisms (except Bacillus anthracis, which is virulent in- the rough colony phase). The organisms in this ohase are species -specif ic only (exceptions are noted in the hnterobacteriaceae ) . The ultimate R cultural Phase of the pneumococcus is the true R form of the species. It is difficult to draw up such general definitions for eac of these dissociative phases, for there are within a species or a species type, and from one species to another, variations which lie outside these general rules. There are the encapsul- ated S and R variants of Klebsiella Pneumoniae ( Julianelle ) , the smooth non-motile ana rough motile variants of the Colon-Salmon- ella organisms (Arkwright; Kinsser; and others), and the virulen R forms of the pneumococcus . (Griff ith) These, along with all th other naturally occurring and artificiallv induced, and trans- formed mutations, go to make up a very heterogeneous group of organisms indeed. There are so many factors of environment, both purposed and accidental, that the subject must more or less be studied not only from the stanapoint of individual species alone, but of single variations within species, their causes andj the-ir effects, ana the factors which may be introduced into any system to cause reversions or further dissociations, or perhaps still more fundamental bacterial changes. i 27 VARIATIONS OF TEN PNEUMOCOCCUS The study of the oneumococcus in its many nhases of dissoc- iation has made up a large part of the literature on the oheno- mena and mechanisms of bacterial variation. The exneriments set forth by the various workers (Allow ay; Avery; Brown; Dawson; Dochez; Dubos ; Eaton; Goebel; Griffith; Heidelberger ; McCarty; Mudd; Paul; Riemann; Shaw; Shinn; Sia; Strvker) represent studies of both the naturally occurring and the artificially induced mutants. The variations to be discussed are those of colonial formation, innuno chemical specificitv, and the transformation of pneumococcal tvnes ; also, some of the methods which have been used in the course of the. e investigations an 1 1 ich are annlie- able to other biological problems will be discussed. The wor on the nneumococci as a groun, subsequent to the discover^ and cultural isolation of the organism, bTr rasteur in 1881, and by Fraenkel in 1886, resnectivelv, was begun in 1905 by Collins, hiss, and Park and Williams, who did extensive studies of the biochemical Droperties of the organism, and exa- mined the behavior of the various strains with which they worker towa rd immune sera. The work received its greatest impetus from the observations of Neufeld and Levinthal vdio in 1909 sep- arated all of the then-known strains of pneumococci into four distinct serological groups, Types I, II, and 111, and the heter- ogeneous Groun IV, by means of the capsular swelling! quellung ) reaction. They observed that when pneumococci were mixed with immune sera prepared bv injecting rabbits with living inocula o' 28 various strains of pneumococci, the capsules of the organisms became swollen in certain sera, those which had been prepared against the homologous organism. They were able to show that those organisms which showed capsular swelling in one immune serum showed it only in that serum, i.e., the reaction was tvpe- soecific. This method was disregarded for a number of vears due to the inability of subsequent workers to duplicate the original results. Recently (1943)> Mudd, Heinmetz, and Anderson have been able to repeat the original experiments, using immune sera prepared from rabbits, and have prepared a series of electron photomicrographs of the reaction in an attempt to explain more fullv its mechanism. At the present time this method is widely used, due to improved methods of ore caring the specific immune sera from the blood of rabbits, and it has replaced the formerly used methods of Krumwiede and Sabin. The original Types I, II, and III are still so designated, while the heterogeneous Group IV has been separated into over seventy ty es , by means of ab- sorption techniques. All the types so examined and classified were gram positive cocci, occurring in pairs or in chains, and exhibiting identical structural properties, i.e., the possession of a capsule, virulence to mice, solubility in bile salts and similar chemical compounds, inulin fermentation, and the produc- tion of methemoglobin from oxyhemoglobin. In his studies on patients suffering from pneumonia, Grif- fith (1928) described two colonial variants of pneumococci iso- lated from both the sputum specimens of hi s patients and the pleural exudates from experimental mice which he was using for I ( . . < typing. The one was the virulent, encapsulated organism which formed moist, glistening mucoid colonies. These he designated as the 3 form of the pneumococcus , adopting Arkwright's termin- ology. He also described a rough variant which was avirulent and non-caosulated . These pneumococci formed smooth, moist colonies on blood agar plates, and were designated by Griffith as the R form of the pneumococcus. This nomenclature has led to a great o.eal of misconception on the part of workers who are not familiar with the organisms involved. It has been demonstrated (Avery; Dawson; Griffith; Reimann; and others) that the S form of colony is invariably composed of virulent type-specific organisms, and that this property, i.e., type-suecif icity , is transmissible indefinitely through mouse passages and subcultures on normal serum media. There is a tendencv on the part of these S organisms to dissociate towards the intermediate SR and Rs forms, and towards the ultimate R cultural nhase (Shinn) \ hen grown on non-vital media. However, several animal passages of anv organisms showing this tendency will usually suffice to restore their virulence and type-speci- ficity, and the formation of typical mucoid colonies. In con- trast, the R pneumococci show species-specificity only, i.e., the^ are agglutinated by the same sera regardless of the S type from which they were derived, and transmit this property in series through innu lerable transplants. However, if such forms are passed through mice, there may be a reversion to the 3 form from which thev were derived. This will depend upon the degree of dissociation. It was shown (Alloway; Dawson and Sia) that R . . 4 30 pneumococci which were grown in media containing serum against the species antigen of the pneumococcus showed a tendency to re- vert to the original virulent, encapsulated S form from which they were derived. All S pneumococci are virulent when injected into mice, and the organisms which are isolated from the pleural exudates upon autonsy (Heidelberger ) are shown to he serologically and coloni- ally identical with thoses of the original inoculum. Conversely all R pneumococci are non-oathogenic to mice. An exception to this rule was noted bv Griffith, who reported finding only R pneumococci in the pleural exudates of a mouse which had died after having received an injection of living R pneumococci togeth- er with a heat-killed vaccine of Tyne III S pneumococci. No ex- planation has been given. All type-specific, virulent ana encapsulated S pneumococci which form typical mucoid colonies on blood agar plates, and will retain the aforementioned properties through an indefinite number of mouse passages. However, when these organisms are subjected to a lengthy series of transplants and subcultures in broth media anu on blood agar plates, they tend to dissociate towards the R form, thus losing their virulence for mice, their type-specificity, and their ability to elaborate the capsular substance, depending upon the degree of dissociation, these properties may be recovered by various means, e.g., growth in anti-R serum. The R form, on the other hand, when grown on normj- al serum-containing media, retains the R phase, and show no tendencv to revert to the S form. There may however be a furthe . t • • 31 dissociation tov/ards the ultimate R cultural Phase. In 1933 Dawson described a rough variant colony of the pneumococcus which exhibited marked pleomorohisin. Many elongateld coccoid and coccobacillarv forms were seen. Organisms from earlfy cultures were entirely gram positive, but smears taken from older transplants showed a marked variation in reactivity tov/ards the gram stain. He notea that in a long series of traps plants these pleomorphic cells had a tendencv to revert to the rough variant of the R form and also ultimately to the parent strain of the S form. The rough variant of Dawson is coloniallv and morphologic - ally identical with the ultimate R cultural phase of the pneumo- coccus, which was describee bv Shinn in 1937* Hov/ever, Shinn reported that there was no tendencv tov/ards reversion of this ultimate R form, i.e., highlv dissociated, to typical R or S pneumococci. He also reported that this highlv dissociated var- iant was no longer soluble in bile. These differences would seem to indicate that the ultimate R cultural phase of Shinn was further removed both morphologic allv and phv: iologicallv, arj|d in regard to colonial formation from the virulent, encapsulated mucoid form of the pneumococcus than the variant described bv Dawson. It appears that the ultimate R cultural phase is the true rough variant of the species, since it has reached a high state of stabilitv, and cannot be reverted bv any means to either the variant R form or to the mucoid type-specific S form; furthermore it seems to have undergone a fundamental change in its protoplasmic and cell-wall structures, being no longer sub- , . . . . . - ■ 32 Jject to autolysis (Eaton; Shinn), and showing marked variability In reactivity to the gram stain. (Dawson) These last facts, and its loss of the power to elaborate a capsular substance, as well as the power to put into operation an enzyme or other phvsiolog- Lcal system capable of producing such a substance, even when a transforming material is added to the system, point to a funda- nental change in the biochemical and physiological processes vithin the pneumococcal cell. •dawson ’ s further experiments on the colonial variations of the pneumococcus led to his study of the relationships among the solonial variations of Streptococcus heraolyticus , an organism related to the pneumococcus . In this instance, as in the former, it y as found that three types of colonies could be isolated from 9 lengthy series of transplants, beginning with virulent organ- isms forming typical mucoid colonies on blood agar plates. These were quickly dissociated to the smooth, non-capsulated form, since hemolytic streptococci have been shown to elaborate a cap- sular substance only for a very few hours after seeding and streaking a known virulent strain on artificial media. Further transplants degraded the smooth hase still further and the R phase was obtained. These three colonial types corresponded relatively in virulence, encapsulation, and the colonial morpho- logy to the three types of colonies of the pneumococcal mutations!. These variations were further correlated to the colonial mutants of a wide range of bacterial species, Salmonella Paratyphi (Ark- wright and Pitt), Klebsiella pneumoniae ( Julianelle ) , Bacillus enthracis (Bisset), Streptococ ms viridans (Bisset), etc., . _ , In summation of the colonial variants of Diplococcus pneum- oniae , the M, or mucoid phase of virulent, encapsulated, type- specific, gram positive lanceolated diulococci, which form moist glistening, stringy colonies w ith even surfaces and margins. The S, or smooth phase consists of usually avirulent, non-cap- sulated, group-specific gram positive diplococci which form smooth, moist colonies with even surfaces and margins, generally a little smaller than the colonies of the mucoid Phase. These pneumococci retain the property to revert to the mucoid Phase under the proper conditions, or the R form under further condi- tions conducive to such further dissociation. The R, or rough phase of the pneumococcus consists of avir- ulent, non-capsulated , species-specific organisms which show great variation in their reactivity to the gram stain, sometimes gram positive, sometimes gram negative, and exhibit marked pleo- morphism, ranging from the typical lanceolated cocci occurring in pairs to long filamentous forms. These pneumococci form rough, drv colonies on blood agar plates, with rough surfaces and irregular margins. The R form of the pneumococcus is bile insoluble, and has lost the property of reverting, or being in- duced to revert to the S or M phases by any means. 34 TRANSFORMATION OF PNEUMOCOCCAL TYPES In 1909 Neufeld and Levinthal were able to divide the species Giplococcus pneumoniae into three distinct types and one large heterogeneous group, on the basis of serological procedures. The()r designated these subdivisions as Types I, II, and III, and Grout) IV. Types I, II, and III reacted only with their homolog- N ous antisera, though Types I and III did show cross-agglutina- tion in dilutions up to 1 to 40 0. Group IV was a large hetero- geneous mixture of types which at that time these workers were unable to classify on any serological basis. In 1915 Avery studied a number of pneumococcal strains which showed agglutination in Tyne II anti -pneumococcal serum. He showed that these strains, which he subdivided into three subgroups and classified under Type II, were serologically distinct from Type II pneumococcus. Type II anti -pneumococcal serum after having been absorbed with Type II pneumococci was unable to agglutinate any of the three subgroups. When the same serum was absorbed with any of the pneumococci of the three sub- grouns , it was still capable of agglutinating either of the other two subgroups, and also Type II pneumococci . It appears here that these strains, which Avery was able to classify in three distinct serological groups, were part of the heterogene- ous Group IV. These had previously remained unclassified be- cause of their cross-agglutinative reactions with Types I, II, and III antisera. The agglutination, absorption and protection techniques used by Avery hsve now been applied to a great number - . . . . 35 of pneumococcal strains vhieh v/ere lumped, together under Group IV; this group has been shown to contain over seventy serologic- ally distinct types . In 1916 further mutations of Type II pneumococcus were noted by Stryker. Mutants were brought about by growth in homo- logous immune serum, and variations in virulence, bile solubil- ity, inulin fermentation, capsule elaboration, and antigenic properties were observed. It is worthy of note that of all the variations that have been observed in association with the pneumococcus from time to time, the only one which has been seen b'r direct observation of the organism has been the presence or absence of the cansule. The importance of the capsular sub- stance will be demonstrated shortly. In 1917 Dochez and Avery demonstrated in the cell-free fil- trates of pneumococcal cultures a specific soluble substar ce which reacted with anti-pneumococcal sera. They showed that this substance of itself v.-as non-antigenic . It was further shown that this substance differed with each S type of pneumo- coccus, thus correlating it to the serological specificity of the several types. It was shown that each of these soecific soluble substances could be isolated from the cell-free filtrate of pneumococcal cultures, and also from the bacteria themselves after they had been freed of all culture medium material, fol- I lowed bT7- pneumococcal autolysis by various means . (Keidelberger and Averv; Goebel; Brown) It is now generally believed that the specific soluble subp stance of the pneumococcus which is found in the cell-free fil- . . ) . trates of cultures, in urine, serum, and ascitic fluids of in- fected individuals is identical with the capsular substance of each type of pneumococcus. On this basis Heidelberger (1923, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1936) isolated the specific soluble substances of pneumopoccus Types I, II, and III from cell-free filtrates. He showe these three substances to be similar in chemical com- position, all of them being essentially polysaccharides of the order of starch and glycogen, though giving the reactions of neither of the. e two compounds when treated with iodine reagent. Thev were shown to yield glucose on hydrolysis, along with other carbohydrate compounds, among which were an aldobionic acid, in the case of Type III, and an acetvlated amino sugar, in the case of Type I. It appeared that each of these compounds, including glucose, which probably enters in as a factor due to its type of linkage with the other substances, were at least a part of the determinative factors which gave to each pneumococcal type its particular nature and antigenic properties. These substances, as obtained, were subjected to a variety of qualitative and quantitative chemical and physical tests. They were shov/n to f differ from one another in content of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, and in the optical activities of their aqueous solutions. The^ appear to be protein-free substances, giving none of the usual qualitative tests for proteins and mino acids. Their serological specificity has been shown by means of the precipitin reaction with immune sera. At the present time some seventy-five or more distinct serological types of the pneumo- coccus have been demonstrated by various techniques. Each of ■ 37 these specific soluble substances has been isolateu and subject- ed to chemical and physical analyses . (Blake ; Brown) The capsular polysaccharide of the pneumococcus has been shown to be responsible for many of the properties attributed to the organism; thus variations in the capsule cause correlated variations in other properties. While it has been demonstrated that the virulence of the pneumococcus is not attributable to either an exotoxin or endotoxin, it is readily shown that the organism is extremely invasive. This high degree of invasive- ness is largely due to a high resistance to phagocytosis within the animal bod^. The resistance of the organism to phagocytosis is attributed to the presence of the capsule, which is a highly polymerized and very viscous polysaccharide. It is difficult to say, though it is generally assumed to be so, that the polysacch aride elaborated by the organism is a true capsule, since the substance is also found in cell-free filtrates, being water-sol- uble. It majf be that this substance merely collects around the organism following its elaboration and secretion through the cell wall and clings to the wall by reason of its own high vis- cosity and its internal cohesion, hncapsulateo. pneumococci when freed of any culture media may then be v ashed free of the cap- sular polysaccharide, similar to Klebsiella nneumoniae , and in contrast to Mycobacterium tuberculos is , the waxy capsule of which appears to be an integral part of that organism, and can onl*r be removed by such drastic procedures as treatment with boiling alcohol. On the other hand, serological evidence points to the fact that the capsular polysaccharide alone is incapable 38 of stimulating the production of antibodies, when it is freed of the rest of the intact pneumococcus. It has also been shown that the injection of lysed cells which still hold the protein substance of the pneumococcus in combination with the polysacch- ■ ride ere also incapable of stimulating antibody roduction. The cell protein alone will not evoke antibodies against type- specific neumococci , or against the cell ' eotein combined with the polysaccharide ; further, the cell protein will not react with any tvpe-specif ic anti -pneumococcal serum. Or: the other hand, the polysaccharide alone, or in combination with the cell protein will give a precipitin reaction with anti: era produced by the intact cells. Thus v/e have seen that the capsular olysacrharide of the pneumococcus is responsible for the resistance of the organism to phagocvtosis within the animal body, for the virulence of the organism by way of enabling it further to invade the host, and for the specificity of the seventv-five serological types. The other variations, bile solubility and inulin fermentation, 1 while they ap >ear to be associated with variations in capsular elabor- ation, do not seem to bo directly dependent upon it, as there seems to be a change within the bacterial protoplasm which may ac court for such mutations. The last variation associat&dnwith the inhibition of cap- sular elaboration to be discussed is that of colonial formation of the pneumococcus. Although this sub ect has been taken up previouslv in some detail, it will be necessary to repeat certain salient facts pertinent to a further explanation of these muta- r . * . 39 tions . The pneumococcus dissociates into three distinct chases, mucoid, smooth, ana rough forms. The colonial distinction of these three forms may be made macroscopically by observation of the texture and share cf the colonies, when observed microscop- ically the organisms aupear encapsulated in the mucoid phase, and rarely in the smooth ohase; the non-capsulated organisms are found in the smooth and rough phases. The smooth and rough phases may be differentiated from each other microscopically by showing that the smooth phase consists of regular morphological forms, i.e., dirlococci, v.hile the ultimate rough phase consists of long rods and filamentous forms, which often appear gram neg- ative. The further serological distinction was made that the smooth rhase could be reverted to the mucoid phase, while the rough phase no longer retained this prooerty. We have also seen previously that when the smooth phase, or so-called R form of the oneumococcus was reverted to the mucoid phase, it again required the serological snecificity of the S tvpe from which it originally dissociated . (Dawson; Stryker) However, it has been found oossible, by means of the intermediate smooth phase, or R form, to convert pneumococci of one tyre to those of another type, and this specificity may then be trans- mitted in series, or ma^ again be reverted to the original type, or to still another specific type, again by way of the inter- mediate smooth ohase. In 1923 Griffith; described the effect of culturing tvpe- soecific nneumococci in homologous immune sera. From these cul- tures he obtained the R forms of the respective soecific types. . . ' . j . 40 > These rough phases were identical with respect to their biologic al properties and serological manifestations, except for the fac that unon reversion to their original mucoid chases they regaine only the type-specificity of the parent strain from which they had been derived. The work on the transmutation of pneumococcal types has stemmed mainly from the observations of Griffith (1928) and Riemann (1929). In an epidemiological study undertaken in 1928 on a number of patients suffering from pneumonia, Griffith studied the pneumococcal types in sputum specimens collected from these patients. Among them he found pneumococci of Types I, II, and III, of Group IV, and a species-specific type which has been described previously, and which was designated by that investigator as the R form of the pneumococci . After this pre- liminary scutum typing, Griffith Proceeded to pass the organisms through mice, and then to type the organisms obtained in the peritoneal washings of the animals at autopsy. He found that when certain sputa which had been identified as containing Type II organisms ere injected into mice, the animals apeeared to have died from an infection of Type III 3 pneumococci, which were obtained from the peritoneal v,ashings in almost pure cultur This apparent change in type was flso associated v;ith a definite variation in the viru ence of he organisms. This was additional evidence, showing that the Type II 3 pneumococci had acquired not only the serological soecificitv of Type III S organisms, but had acquired the virulence of Type III. The change in virulence is undoubtealy due to two properties of the pneumococcus, first, that the Type III pneumococcus is a more . . . . 41 virulent organism than Type II, and. second., upon which the first may very well depend, that Type III pneumococcus elaborates more capsular polysaccharide than Type II, and in its virulent phase it tends to forms chains of encapsulated diolococci, thus com- bining the invasive -cowers of both the streptococcus and the pneumococcus with an increasec resistance to phagocytosis . Riemann had found previouslv (1925) that type-specific S pneumococci grown jin vitro in immune serum of the homologous S type gave rise to a mutant form consisting of non-type-specific non-capsulated R forms of the pneumococcus , which retained those properties upon subsequent transplantation and subculture in either the homologous S ty:>e immune serum or in normal serum. He further noted that when these non-specific R pneumococci were injected into a mouse together with a heat-killed suspension of S pneumococci of the homologous type from which the R mutant had been derived, the mouse died of an infection with living t^pe- specific 8 pneumococci. Upon serological examination th8ee 8 pneumococci were identified as being of the same tvpe as the organisms in the heat-killed suspension. The organisms in the shepension were shown to be non-viable, and the living R pneumo- cocci were demonstrated to be of themselves avirulent to mice, by suitable animal and culture medium controls. It has been shown that the virulence of the pneumococcus is to a large exten dependent upon the individual ca sular substance. Conversely, the R pneumococci have been shown to be non-capsulated and avir- ulent. The former property appeared to be dependent upon the latter. It has also been noted th t the R pneumococci show no b ' . 42 agglutination or swelling reactions in any of the type-specific sera. It was subsequently shown that all R pneumococci, regard- less of the S strain from which they were derived, are agglutin- ated only in anti-R serum, regardless also of the derivation of the R strain used to prepare that serum. From the above data the assumption was made that there must be in the heat-killed suspension of 3 pneumococci a substance which is capable of inducing the elaboration of capsular poly- saccharide by living R pneumococci, which of themselves did not possess this irooerty. It was further assumed that this induc- ing substance was type-specific, i.e., it induced the elabora- tion of the capsular polysaccharide of the specific type from which the transforming substance was derived, and of that type only. This was sho’ m in further exoeriments (Avery; Dawson; Dawson and Sia; Reidelberger; McCarty; McLeod and McCarty) in which R pneumococci derived from a number of different S types, I, II, III, IV, and VIII, we re reverted to their original type- specific it r, and furthermore, could be converted to any of the other tvpes, by the use of cell-free filtrates of the desired type, and by the use of the intermediate smooth nhase. The pro- cedure used was that originally propounded by Griffith. Dawson injected living R pneumococci derived from Type II pneumococci into mice, together with large amounts of a heat-killed vaccine of Tyne III S pneumococci. When these organisms were isolated from the pleural exudates (Heidelberger found this to be a more convenient and more abundant source of the organisms than the peritoneal washings used previously) subsequent to the death of . . the animals, they were shown to agglutinate in Type III anti- serum, and to give pure cultures of Tyne III S pneumococci when cultured in serum media . Similarly, when a heat-killed vaccine of Type I S pneumococci was substituted for the Type III S sus- pension in the above experiment, the organisms isolated were shown to be Type I S pneumococci. In neither case were any S pneumococci of Type II isolated from the animal exudates. It is therefore seen that S pneumococci of Type II have actually been transformed, by means of a specific transforming substance, into S pneumococci of Type I, and of Tvne III. In each case the transformation v as brought about through the use of the interne date smooth phase of the organism. A number of workers (Alloway; Dawson ; Dawson and Sia), by the use of cell- free filtered extracts of Type III a pneumococci, succeeded in effecting the transformation of Tyne II S pneumococci into Tyre III S pneumococci in vivo and _in vitro ; the _in vitro transform- ation was brought about through the use of the intermediate R form, as were the transformations in vivo. There is non sub- stantiated data showing the direct conversion of S pneumococci of one type to S nneumococci of another snecific type. Barnes and Wight have described the snontaneous transformation of Type V S nneumococci to Tyne II S nneumococci _in vivo , but this work has never been corroborated . By the injection of a small inoculum of living R forms of Type II nneumococcus , together with large amounts of a filtered cell-free extract of Type III S pneumococci into a mouse, it has been possible to obtain a pure culture of Type III S pneumococci .X Uk Similarly, Type II S pneumococci were converted to the R phase by growing the organisms in Type II anti- oneumococ cal serum. The organisms thus obtained were then transplanted to a culture medium containing a filtered cell-free extract of TYPE III S pneumococci. Similar transplants were made of the Type II R organisms to media containing filtered cell-free extracts of other type-specific S pneumococci. In each case the Type II R pneumoc ;cci were converted to the S form of the homologous sero- logical type of the filtered extract used in the culture medium. These experiments led various investigators (Avery; Keidel- berger; LQLeod; McCarty) to the conclusion that there must be present in the filtered cell-free extracts of S pneumococci a substance, which has been produced by the specific type of org- anism present in such an extract, and which is capable of induc- ing the elaboration of the homologous type-specific capsular poljrsaccharide bv R pneumococci, regardless of the type deriva- tion of the latter. It may further be concluded that R pneumo- cocci, while they do not possess any of the several transforming substances in situ, nevertheless retain the property of utiliz- ing such a substance, when it may be added to the system. This may at some future time be shown to be due to the activation of an enzyme, or of an enzyme system, which is responsible for the elaboration of the capsular polysaccharide. There is, however, the aforementioned ultimate R cultural phase of the pneumoco cus, described by Shinn, and by Dawson. It was found in many instances that when S pneumococci were transformed, or "degraded”, to the R form, and were subsequently . . 45 injected into m?.ce, together with heat-killed vaccines of either homologous or heterologous 8 pneumococci, there appeared to be no reversion or transformation of R to S pneumococci. An in- crease in the amount of extr-ct or vaccine used for injection seemed to have no effect upon the reversion or transformation. Shinn continued his experiments by growing the organisms in homologous anti-S serum, thus transforming S to R pneumococci. He continued this degradation through a long series of trans- plants in this anti-S serum. He finally reached a point of dissociation at which he had obtained a pure culture of aviru- lent and non-capsulated R pneumococci, which could not be trans- formed t any other type-soecif ic S pneumococci, nor could it be reverted to its original ty ;e-s pecif icitv by any means. No capsule formation could be noted, or induced by any means, nor was there any virulence for laboratory animals. This was termed the ultimate R cultural chase of the nneunococcus , and as such was discussed in detail in the section dealing with the colonial variations of the pneumococcus. .i • - . Hr* 4 6 NUCLEOPROTEINS AND BACTEuIAL GENETICS It was not until 1944 that a more extensive study was made by Avery, McLeod, and McCarty of the transforming substance that was known to be present in pneumococcal cultural extracts. The work of the above investigators was directed mainly towards the isolation, purification, and examination of the chemical and physical properties of the transforming material, as well as its physiological behavior. They started with crude extracts of cultures of Pneumococcus Type III. (This work has since been extended to two other pneumococcal types, namely, Types II and VI.) These crude extracts from heat-killed pneumococci are com- plex mixtures of components of the bacterial cells themselves, along with the substances originally present in the culture medium. It was found that the removal of proteins, lipids, the somatic and capsular polysaccharides, and the ribonucleic acid fraction from extracts of Type III cultures had no effect upon the transforming activitv of the residual extract material. Accordingly, they -proceeded to remove these components as quant-l itatively as possible, the proteins by the chloroform method, the somatic carbohvdrate by fractional alcohol precipitation, the capsular polysaccharide by digestion with a specific enzyme which hydrolyzes it, and the ribonucleic acid bv digestion with the enzyme ribonuclec se , or by alcohol fractionation. (Levene anc Bass ) The product obtained after these preliminary extractions Lad been carried out possesses practically all of the biological ' 47 activity oi the original crude extract. It was readily soluble in aqueous and saline solutions, giving clear, colorless solu- tions which were highly viscous even at relatively low concentra- tions, and which showed high bifringence. The material is pre- cipitated by alcohol in the form of a mass of fibrous threads, which loses none of its tran forming activity upon repeated al- cohol precipitation. Qualitative tests for both proteins and ribonucleic acid are negative. On the other hand, the diphenyl- amine reaction for desoxyribonucleic acid is strongly positive. The quantitative elementary tests carried out on several differ- ent samples of the active material sho the content of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus to be comparable to that found in pure samples of sodium desoxyribonucleate . The nitrogen-phosphorus ratio of 1.6? conforms closely to that of the sodium salt, and further eliminates the possibilitv of pro- tein contamination. Absorption spectra curves in the ultravi- olet region showed a maximum high absorption at 2600 A, which is known to be characteristic of nucleic acids . (Caspersson; Mirsky) Solutions of the material lose none of their biological activity after treatment with the enzyme ribonuclease . These data lead therefore to the conclusion that the transforming activity of the material is associated with a nucleic acid of the desoxy- ribose type. Solutions of the purified substance were not observed to give precipitin reactions with Tyne III anti -pneumococcal serum of high titer, in the dilutions characteristic of the serologic- ally active substances, though slight reactions we re noted in J-- . cr , t ib ■ ov; >. - v. < . . . 48 > very low dilutions. Analysis of samples of the purified material in the Tiseliu apparatus and in the Svedberg ultracentrifuge both give evidence uointing to the nresence of a homogeneous substance of high molecular v right. The ultracentrifuge gave a sedimentation constant corresponding to a molecular wieght of apnroximately 1,000,000, which is characteristic of nucleic acids of the desoxvribose type. The Tiselius electro- horetic data also showed a single sharp boundary, with which the transforming sctivitv appeared to be associated. The transforming activity of the material was tested quant- itatively with serial dilutions of R pneumococci derived from Tvpe II S organisms. These were in each case transformed to Type III S neumococci. It was found that the substance was active in a final dilution of 1 in 6C ,000,000, c.2 milliliters being used, which contained 0.003 microgram the unified substance. It v/ as thought that oossibly the substance which w as actu- ally responsible for the activity of the transforming substance was still unknown, and that it might be adsorbed, or in some other manner be attached to the desoxyribonucleic acid molecule. Tbe investigators therefore looked about for a suitable specific biological tool with which they might destroy or inactivate the desoxyribonucleic acid fraction of the transforming mixture, if indeed there be such a mixture, thereby leaving the true trans- forming subs tar ce intact. It had long been known that enzymes were among the most specific of biochemical reagents at our 3 . . . . 49 disposal at present. These organic catalytic agents are even more specific than antigen-antibody reactions. It had been noted, for example, that Type VIII S pneumococci showed cross- reactions in the presence of Tyne III S anti -pneumococcal serum. , During the study of this phenomenon, Dubos had isolated from a bacillus found in the soil, the S III bacillus, an enzyme which was capable of destroying the capsular polysaccharide of pneumo- coccus Type HI, and which had no effect upon the capsular poly- saccharide of Type VIII. Similarly, an enzyme was found which attacked only the Type VIII specific polysaccharide, leaving the Type III specific substance intact . (Sickle and Shaw) In 1940 Kunitz described the method of isolation and the properties of an enzyme, ribonuc lease , which he had found in beef Pancreas. This enzyme was found to be specific in its action upon ribonucleic acid (yeast tv e), having no effect upon desoxyribonucleic acid (thvmus type). In 1944, McCarty, also v orking with beef pancreas, isolated an enzyme which was found to be specific in its action upon desoxvribonucleic acid, and was ineffective against nucleic acids of the yeast type. This enzyme was called desoxyribonuclease . It was this substance that was used to determine whether or not the desoxyribnucleic acid fraction isolated from Type III S pneumococcal cultures was actually the inducing substance of the transforming material, or whether it acted me ely as a carrier for that substance. From the previous experiments, particularly the electrophoretic and ultracentrifugal methods, it was established that the active substance was a fairly homogeneous material. Accordingly, ex- . * . . 50 > periments were set up to determine whether or not the fraction isolated from the pneumococcus containing the activating prin- cinle was indeed inactivated after treatment with the new enzyme desoxvribonuclease . It was found that as little as 0.01 micro- gram of the enzyme completely inactivated the transforming sub- stance. This evidence led quite conclusively to the fact that the actual transforming substance involved in the transformation of pneumococcal types was a nucleic acid of the desoxvribose tvpe, and, moreover, that the substance isolated from the pneumococcus cuitute extracts was a highly purified com ound. The inactivation of desoxyribonucleic acid mav be brought about by a number of chemical agents and biochemical processes. The principal method studied was that of eutoxidation. (Avery , McLeod, and McCarty, and others) It was found that ascorbic acifi was effective in inactivating the desoxvribonucleic acid cf the pneumococcal transformation svstem. The addition of substances containing sulfhydryl groups was observed to inhibit the inactiv- ating pronertv of the ascorbic acid. This mav have been due to the oxidation of sulfhvdrvl groups, -SH, to the disulfide link- age, -S-S-. In other words a transfer of the activity of the ascorbic acid oxidizing mechanism was effected fro one substratlle to another, perhaps to one more readily capable of oxidation. It was further observed that the enzyme catalase also inhibited the action of ascorbic acid, when hvdrogen peroxide was added to a preparation of desoxyribonucleic acid, ascorbic acid, and catal- ase, the desoxvribonucleic acid was inactivated. Other peroxidef were also effective in inactivating the transforming substance. 51 but it was seen that none of these, including hydrogen peroxide, were as effective as inhibitors as was the ascorbic acid. The investigators concluded that the mechanism of inhibition was one of autoxidation . Cupric ion, which is known to increase the rate of autoxidation of ascorbic acia, when added to the inhibiting system, not bly increasea the effectiveness of the ascorbic acid as an inactivator of desoxyribonucleic acid, even when the cupric ion was present to the extent of 0.00001 mole oer liter. It is extremely interesting to note here that the pneumo- coccus elaborates not only a serologically specific nucleic acid of t e desox rribose ty e, but also catalase, hydrogen neroxide, and desoxyribonuclease . These sub tances, the possible inter- action of v.'hich may readily be seen, serve to illustrate, in a minute way, the complexities of the physiological and biochemic- al process es of bacterial cells. The four substances may be sep- arated into two systems, each consisting of an enzyme and its substrate, the one, hydrogen peroxide am catalase, and the othe:* desoxyribonucleic acid and desoxyribonuclease. These two systems are linked together bv the fact that the hydrogen peroxide acts as an inhibitor of the desoxvribonucleic acid. These four substances are of interest in connection vvrith their roles in the dissociation of 3 to R forms and their rever- sion. It was noted (Avery, McLeod, and McCarty) that serum as a component of the culture medium used in the transforming system is essential. It would therefore seem reasonable to conclude that there are in normal serum one or more substances which have an important role in the process of transformation. ; hen, for r: - 5.2 example, Type III S pneumococci are grown in normal serum-con- taining culture media for a long time, through many transplants, they are seen to lose the property of elaborating the capsular polysaccharide. There may therefore be assumed to be a lack of desoxyribonucleic acid formation. This is found to be so. The mechanism may be either the inactivation of the original amount present by desoxyribonuclease or by the hydrogen peroxide. How- ever it is known that regardless of its phase of dissociation the pneumococcus elaborates the enzyme catalases This would un- doubtedly ue troy the hydrogen peroxide formed by the organism, for, because of its specificity and biochemical activity it has no other substrate u on which it may act. This apparently leaves the desoxyribonuclease-desoxyribonucleic acid enzyme-substrate system. It has been noted (Diehl and others) that many of the enzymes which bacterial species elaborate are adaptive, i.e., they are produced by the organism only when a specific substrate is present; the substrate may b*? only a simple compound contain- 9 H mg a particular linkage, such as -C-N-, or it may be a complex organic compound such as a protein or a carbohydrate. A search of the literature has failed to reveal any data as to whether or not desoxyribonuclease is present in cultures of non-tyne-specif •• ic R pneumococci, such cultures being known to contain a desoxy- ribonucleic acid fraction which is serologically inactive, and possesses no transforming properties. It would be of interest to know if such a situation exists. It was found (Avery, McLeod, and McCarty) that when Type II k pneumococci had been transformed to Type III S pneumococci , . t • • 53 after treatment with the purified activating substance extracted from cultures of Type III S pneumococci, the transforming sub- stance is transmitted in series and can subsequently be recov- ered in amounts far in excess of that originally used as inocul- um. This phenomenon is strikingly analogous to that exhibited by viruses and genes. Many viruses are known to be pure protein molecules, and genes also are thought to be complex chemical entities closely related to the nucleouroteins . The work of Caspersson and others has pointed to the fact that chromosomes and genes are apparently mixtures of nucleic acids of the ribose and desoxvribose types. There apoears to be a balance between these two tvpes of substances set up bv the individual cell according to its state of biological and physiological activity. It is difficult to say at this point exactly what is the relationship existing between the phenomena of bacterial varia- tions and cell mutations on the one hand, and the role of the nucleoproteins in the Phenomena of cneumococcal transformation and the self -duplication of viruses and genes in successive gen- erations on the other. It is known, for example, that certain unknown substances apparently present in serum are necessary in the pneumococcal transforming system. The data so far obtained are interpreted as indicating that the serum factors act by altering the su rface of the bacterial cell so that the specific desoxyribonucleic acid is taken up or absorbed. This PEoblem is still in the process of being worked out. The mechanism of the action of the transforming substance upon the metabolic processes of the pneumococcus is yet to be discovered. It is known that 54 > nucleoproteins of both the ribose and desoxvribose types play important roles in the transmission of hereditary characteristic^ by way of the chromosomes and genes present in the sex cells of plants and animals , as shown in numerous experiments performed with the giant fruit flv .drosophila. But whereas the mutations in the case of .drosophila have been effected by the apolication of foreign chemical comoounds, particularly of the hydrocarbon group, as Dhenanthrene , pneumococcal transformation has been brought about by the application of a substance known to be nor- mally present, not only in the cells of the pneumococcal species but also in all other bacterial species and in all plant and animal cells. The problem of the presence or absence of a nucleus in bac- terial species is still an unanswered one, but there is hope that with the aid of the electron microscope, together with spectrometric and physico-chemical techniques, we are at least coming closer to an experimental solution to this problem. It has been observed that a wide variety of bacterial species give a positive Feulgen nucleal reaction, but this technique is still under much controversy. Careful utilization of the nucleal reac tion has convinced many authors that bacteria contain well-defim Feulgen positive structures hich divide before cellular divi- sion, which react like chromatin with the basic dyes, and which are comparable to the chromosomes of plant and animal cells. These structures have been termed nucleoids, chromatinic bodies, or chromosomes. They occur in s >ores as well as in vegetative forms, and are believed to contain the hereditary mechanism of . , 55 I the bacterial cell. As pointed out previously in the introduc- tion to this caper, the determination of the presence or absence of a nucleus, and further of a process of nuclear division, or possibly of chromosomic division would be a great advance in the study of the rocesses involved in karyokinesis and in the trans • mission in series of chromosomes and genes from one generation to the next. For we pointed out before that in the case of a bacterial scecies, e.g., Diplococcus pneumoniae, we have an ent- ire evolutionary process or cycle before us in the short soace of two or three days, a single cell producing 4 0 to 50 genera- tions, or about 5X10'*'§rganisms , within 72 hours. It would re- quire about 1000 years to produce this number of organisms in the species homo sapiens , provided they all survived. Since the different components and properties of the bacter- ial cell can vary independently of one another, it is possible to obtain a large number of variant forms which, as we have repeatedly emphasized, can be used as reagents in the analysis of bacteriological phenomena. The comparative study of the dif- ferent variants of one given culture has so far been largely limited to their morphological structures, but there is little doubt that it could apply also to their biochemical processes. It w ould be interesting to know, for instance, whether the ab- sence of the type-specific polysaccharides or proteins in certaij(i variants of the salmonella^ pneumococci streptococci, etc., is due to the fact that these substances are not produced, or to the fact that t hev are metabolized further, and thus cannot ac- cumulate . . • X 56 i This is indeed the most striking phenomenon revealed by the study of bacterial variability. The cell can live successfully and continue its existence and multiply as an independent living object after having lost a great variety of structures and func- tions which had appeared to constitute important components and attributes of the ’’normal" parent form. These structures and functions can be lost and regained indenendentlv of one another, without altering the essential nature of the gerxi , or the potent- ialities of the cell. It is even possible to substitute experi- mentallv one character for another, to cause, for instance, a strain of pneumococcus to produce, and to transfer to its pro- geny the ability to produce, a polysaccharide different from the one it has been known to synthesize heretofore. Not only does the cell appear as an integrated complex of independent charac- ters, but it is possible to substitute for one of these charac- ters another one homologous, but different, without interfering essentially with cellular organization. All living objects, whatever their nature or dimensions, obev the same natural laws; it is not doubted that the study of bacteria, like that of other cells, will progress v ith the under- standing of the physic ochhmical phenomena which are the mani- festations of their living processes. But each science has, in addition to that fund common to all departments of knowledge, its particular genius determined by the peculiarities of the material which it studies. The extraordinary plasticity of bacteria, the ease with which they adapt themselves to the en- vironment, has not only determined their importance in the eco- homy of nature; it also makes them ideal objects for the study of that organization and integration of independent characters which define and characterize life. . ABSTRACT 5B The stud:'- of bacteriological phenomena is the study of many millions of organisms acting simultaneous 137-. It is known that mutations occur naturally in 1 out of lO5 or 10 cell divisions, and though this natural frequency cannot be increased, the sur- vival rate of the mutant form can be increased by various arti- ficial cultural methods. By studying these mutations and the effects that may be produced upon their biochemical, physiolog- ical, serological, structural, antigenic and morphological mani- festations and processes, we may eventually approach the solu- tion of some of the Problems of medical bacteriology in the fields of epidemiology, histolog3r, and cytochemical studies of higher plant and animal cells. Bacteria show marked pleomorphism even within a single bac- terial species. These variations are due to a number of differ- ent factors; in the case of the bacillary forms there appears to be an internal axially disposed force which, depending upon the surface tension of the surrounding medium, tends to counteract the rounding effect of that tension u on the cells, thus deter- mining the shape of the cells. The period of growth has a deter minative effect, the cells usually being larger or longer in the logarithmic phase of growth. This last factor is also interde- pendent upon the factor of bacterial nutrition, and upon certain substances or factors that may be present in culture media. For examnle, lanceolate! diplococci of Type III S pneumococcus grown for a long time in Type III S antiserum will exhibit long rods . . . ' 59 and filamentous f orrns . Practically all bacteria exhibit slight morphological variations during their normal growth curve, though some may show such marked variations as in their normal grouping, the loss of certain structures, such as capsules and flagella, and variations in the internal structure of the cell. Colonial variation within a species indicates the occurrence of mutant forms. Colonial morphology is largely dependent upon the structure of the organisms comprising the colony, and to a lesser dgree uuop their biochemical and Physiological properties Colonial organization can be related to the method of growth of the organism, by correlating it with three types of post-fission*- al movement, snapping, whipping , and sliding. It has been ob- served that all bacterial species exhibit several types of morphologically distinct colonial forms. These are stabilized through successive generations towards one phase or another. Colonial morphology may be associated with other bacterial pro- perties, such as virulence, encapsulation, enf lagellation , and motility. In the case of certain species, colonial morphology may be associated with variations in serological and biochemical manifestations. Three distinct colonial types may be described. The M, or mucoid consists of virulent, encapsulated organisms. The S, or smooth consists of non-capsulated, possibly flagellate 1 organisms which, depending upon the species are virulent or a- virulent. The R, or rough consists of non-capsulated, non- flagellated, avirulent organisms. These rules are not hard and fast, for we have the S and R forms of Klebsiella pneumoniae that are encapsulated, and the smooth non-motile and rough mot- . < " * 60 tile variants of the Colon-Salmonella organisms. The variations of the pneumococcus which were discussed wei those of colonial formation, immunochemical specificity, and the transformation of pneumococcal types. A brief historical outlir of the studies of the pneumococcus has been given, including the work of Collins, Kiss, and Park and Williams, the serological classification of the organisms bv Weufeld and Levinthal and the transformation of types in vivo and in vitro , which we re effecte bv Griffith, Alloway, Dawson and Sia, and Avery, McLeod and McCartv. Three phases of colonial dissociation were found to be associated with the Pneumococcus. The M, or mucoid Phase con- sists of encapsulated, virulent organisms showing tvpe specific itv. The S, or smooth phase consists of non-cansulated , avirul- ent organisms, showing species specificity, and retaining the property of reverting to the mucoid chase. The R, or rough chase consists of non-cansulated, avirulent organisms, exhibit- ing marked pleomornhism, showing Ion-' rods and filamentous forms often negative to the gram stain, and no longer capable of re- verting to the smooth or mucoid phases. The rough chase was also shown to be insoluble in bile, and in some cases it was incaoable of fermenting inulin. The work on the transformation of pneumococcal types is based upon the ex erimental data set forth in 1917 bv Dochez and Avery, that each pneumococcal tvpe elaborates a specific soluble substance, i.e., its capsular polysaccharide, which is peculiar only to that ty e. These substances were isolated in pure form from cultural extracts of pneumococci, and analyzed by a number . 61 of workers who observe,, that while each of these substances gave positive oreci itin tests with their res active ant ipneunococca] sera, thev were of themselves non-antigenic . Seventh-five tv es of ce sular polvsaccharides have been differentiated. Certain other variations of the nneuraococcus have been observed to be associated with variations in capsular elaboration, namely, re- sist nee to -hagocTrtosis , virulence, tvne specificity, and color- ial morphology. Griffith found in 1923 that R forms of the pneumococcus are identical in all their iroaerties, regardless of the 3 tyne from v/hich thev were derived, and dependent upon the extent of dissociation. When these R forms were passed through mice, or were grown in ani-R serum, S forms v/ere ob- taine v/hose tyne specificitv was that of the S organisms from which the R form was derived, and never of any other tvne. Allowav reported the same results when R forms v/ere grown in immune anti-R serum. He further found that R forms of one type grown in cell-free extracts of a heterologous S type were trans- forme to S forms of the t^pe specificitv of the cell-free ex- tract. This type specificity was seen to be transmissible in series . In 194-4- Avery, McLeod and McCarty isolated the active transforming substance from cultures of Type III S pneumococci. This substance w as analyzed and found to be a nucleic acid of the desoxyribose tvpe . Chemical, phvsical and biological tests were used to determine the purity of the activating substance. Several substances, notably those v/hich v/ere able to set up autoxidative svstems, such as ascorbic acid, v/ere found to inac- ■ . 62 tivate the transforming substance. These inactivating reactions were found to be reversible, except when the desoxyribonucleic acid was inactivated by treatment with desoxyribonuc lease , an enzyme isolated from beef pancreas, which irreversibly destroys the nucleic acid. The pneumococcus was observer to elabor- te not only the inducing substsrce, but also several of the inac- tivating substances. Several factors in serum were found to be ecwential to the transforming system. The role of enzymes as biological tools in histological and cvtochemical studies has been nointed out. 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